March 10 Planning & Zoning Agenda Packet
The Pembroke Planning and Zoning Commission was created by
the City Council in order to guide and accomplish a coordinated and harmonious
development of the city which will, in accordance with existing and future
needs, best promotes the public health, safety, morals, order, convenience,
prosperity, and the general welfare of the citizens.
The Commission is comprised of five volunteer citizens of
Pembroke who are appointed by the City Council. Individuals or businesses must
submit applications to the Planning and Zoning Commission if they desire to
change the zoning of their property, apply for a variance or to receive a
conditional use permit such as to operate a home office in their residence. The
board members follow the procedures set forth by the state of Georgia for a
public hearing for the application. The members, receiving all the needed
information and studying the issue using the ordinances adopted by the city,
make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council then makes the
final decision on application.
The purpose of these rules and regulations and the specific
procedures that are followed is to protect citizens and their property. It
provides for organized growth in all areas without infringing on the rights of
others, provides for controlled growth, and a safe and healthy environment for
all citizens. The commission meets the
third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at Pembroke City Hall, 353 N. Main
Street, Pembroke, GA.